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Code of Conduct

Marine Electricals reputation is one of the key assets of our company. The Management strives to develop and maintain a right mix of integrity, loyalty and critical thinking as a cornerstone of our company. The Code of Conduct sets out the corporate values and rules of conduct that we must all follow in our everyday choices, behaviours and decisions. The main aim of Management with this Code is to provide clear guidelines on what Marine Electricals interprets to be acting with integrity, loyalty and critical thinking.

A high level of awareness of Marine Electricals values and internal rules and regulations is fundamental in our day-to-day activities. We promote a culturally diverse workforce and take all personnel actions without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability.

Compliance with this Code will give us an advantage in doing business and will contribute to the long-term continuity of company. The Board of Management is confident that with the efforts of every employee, Marine Electricals reputation can be protected, and we can provide trust and confidence to all our stakeholders: shareholders, customers, suppliers, financiers, auditors and employees.

HR Principles

Marine Electricals HR Principles are an important instrument for achieving a uniform basis in the field of human resources in all its divisions. The HR Principles emphasise the company’s starting points and have a direct influence on employees contentment. They also give employees a benchmark that will enable them to compare their own company with others and with market and social developments. Marine Electricals has formulated the following HR Principles:

  • Mutual Trust: Expressed through integrity, respect and reliability;
  • Personal Development: Consideration for the development of employees. The growth of employees leads to the growth of the company
  • Leadership: constant improvement and development of management positions, focused concentration on leadership qualities and performance

  • Employment Conditions: Marine Electricals salary scales are competitive and aimed at personal performance and development with a focus on more flexibility and adaptation to the needs and situation of employees;
  • Work Safety: Health, safety and welfare are core issues for every employee in every function and in every working situation

Health Safety and Environment

Marine Electricals needs to maintain its good reputation regarding safety. The company is known for being safe with very low accident figures. Such a reputation can only be established if the core concepts Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) are understood and applied throughout the organization. We have well-implemented management information systems and everybody works hard on the job to achieve good HSE performance. Our commitment is validated by obtaining ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018 certifications for our manufacturing facilities.

These activities have resulted in management, project leaders and employees being convinced of the importance of working in an HSE-responsible way. Our employees take seriously their responsibility for a safe, healthy and environmentally aware way of working. Not just for themselves and their colleagues, but also for our customers’ employees and those of companies brought in by us.


We commit ourselves to continually improve effectiveness of our EOHS management systems by:

  • Preserving and protecting the natural environment including air, water, land
  • Prevention of injury and ill health to our employees by adoption of safe & healthy work practices

  • Complying with legal and other requirement; while offering products and services of highest quality to our customer through implementation of Environmental management system as per ISO 14001: 2015 and Occupational health and safety management system as per ISO 45001: 2018.

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

The organization in Marine Electricals is committed to sound business conduct with the right balance of integrity, loyalty and critical thinking. Marine Electricals operates in various countries and is subject to national and international laws prohibiting bribery and corruption. Therefore as a policy we will not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption. Any breach of this Policy will be regarded as a serious matter. Furthermore bribery and corruption will cause serious harm and damage to our reputation. Misconduct will therefore be subject to severe disciplinary actions.

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