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About Our Company

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Marine Electricals is an integrated technical services provider in the fields of electrical automation and information and communication technology solutions.

Marine Electricals offers integrated and multidisciplinary total solutions that lead to better business processes and more efficiency for customers and the customers they, in their turn, serve.

Marine Electricals also offers solutions that contribute towards a sustainable society.

Key Values

  • Marine Electricals is highly customer-driven. Marine Electricals offers customers high-quality total solutions via one contact point. This allows customers to better focus on their own core activities.
  • Marine Electricals strives for long-term partnerships with both customers and suppliers.
  • Marine Electricals is an independent Indian technical service provider.

  • Marine Electricals is an attractive employer with motivated employees, which is reflected in professionalism and quality. In addition, employees are given every opportunity to develop further.
  • Marine Electricals attaches great importance to its responsibility towards the environment and people’s safety and health.

Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Marine Electricals (I) Ltd. is committed to achieve and sustain excellence by providing customized solutions, products & services that best satisfies the requirements of our customers and continuously improve quality, reliability & services with the help of an effective quality management system, encompassing all statutory, regulatory, occupational health, safety & environment requirements at our work place through implementation of Quality, Environment, Occupational health and relevant international standards..

We are responsive to create, maintain and ensure a safe and clean environment, reducing occupational health and safety hazards through application of efficient techniques and safe work practices through continual improvement of our Integrated Management System.

MEIL is committed

  • To provide framework for setting objectives for IMS
  • To continually improve the manufacturing process and customer satisfaction,
  • To provide protection to the environment, including prevention of pollution injury and ill health,
  • To manage Focus Materials throughout the recycling chain to final disposition with due diligence to protect our environment (Life cycle prospective),

  • To ensure its legal and contractual compliance obligations in a proactive, ongoing, and responsible manner along with any additional measures as deemed necessary,
  • To encourage consultation and participation of workers in decision making.

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